2024-12-23 Word of the Day 1D1W - expediency
expediency \ ɛkˈspidiənsi \ noun
(n.) The quality of being convenient or practical despite possibly being improper or immoral; a short-term measure.
Explanation: Refers to choosing actions based on practicality or short-term benefits, often at the cost of ignoring ethical principles or long-term consequences.
- Convenience
- Advantage
- Practicality
- Principle
- Integrity
- Idealism
Example Sentences
- The manager chose expediency over ethics in handling the issue.
- Politicians often face criticism for prioritizing expediency rather than long-term solutions.
- The expediency of the temporary measure was questioned by the employees.
Root Analysis
- Exped-: From Latin expedire, meaning "to make ready" or "to set free from hindrance."
- -ency: A suffix forming nouns that denote states or qualities.
Derived Words:
- Expedient (adj. Convenient; practical)
- Expedite (v. To hasten or facilitate)
Affix Analysis
- -ency: Denoting a state or quality.
Other Words with the Same Suffix:
- Efficiency
- Transparency
- Consistency
Etymology and Cultural Background
The word "expediency" originates from the Latin expedire, which initially meant "to free one's feet" or "to remove obstacles." Over time, its meaning evolved to signify the idea of taking practical measures or shortcuts, often used in ethical or political discussions. The term may carry a connotation of sacrificing ideals for short-term gains.
Word Forms
- Noun: Expediency
- Adjective: Expedient
- Verb: Expedite
Common Collocations:
- Moral expediency: Actions justified by convenience over ethics.
- Political expediency: Actions taken for political advantage.
Memory Tips
- Visualization: Imagine "expediency" as a "shortcut" that quickly resolves a problem but might lead to future issues.
- Word Structure: Expediency = Expedite + -ency, signifying the state of acting quickly and practically.
Short Story
English Story
The town was in chaos after a storm destroyed its bridge. The mayor decided on expediency: building a temporary wooden bridge instead of a permanent concrete one. While it worked for now, many feared it wouldn’t last through the next storm.
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