2025-01-03 Word of the Day NYT 1D1W - neologism
Neologism \ ˈnē-ə-ˌlȯ-ˌji-zəm \ noun
A newly coined word or phrase, typically created to describe a novel concept, phenomenon, or technology. It can be adopted into standard language or remain specific to a niche.
- Coinage
- Invention
- Archaism
- Obsolescence
Example Sentences:
- The internet has contributed to the rapid creation of neologisms like "selfie" and "hashtag."
- As technology evolves, new neologisms are needed to describe advancements like "blockchain."
- The term "staycation" is a neologism for a vacation spent at home or nearby.
Root Analysis:
- Neo-: Greek, meaning "new"
- -log-/-logos: Greek, meaning "word" or "speech"
- -ism: Suffix indicating a state or ideology
Related Words:
- Neologist (n. a creator of new words)
- Neology (n. the act of creating new words)
Affix Analysis:
- Neo- (prefix): Meaning "new" (e.g., Neolithic, Neophyte)
- -ism (suffix): Denoting a state or ideology (e.g., Realism, Optimism)
Historical Context:
The term "neologism" originated in the 18th century, from the French néologisme, tracing back to the Greek néos (new) and logos (word). New words often mirror societal innovation, values, and the zeitgeist. For instance, "Google" transformed from a company name into a verb for online searches.
- Noun: Neologism, Neologist
- Verb: Neologize
- Adjective: Neological
- Coining a neologism
- Popular neologisms
Memory Aids:
- Associate neo with "new" and logos with "words."
- Think of familiar neologisms like "binge-watch" or "influencer" to reinforce the term.
Short Story:
Emma was fascinated by language. While working on her blog, she coined a neologism, "dreamcrafting," to describe the art of creating dreams into achievable plans. Within weeks, the term caught on, inspiring readers to share their own dreamcrafting journeys.
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