Trancy Immersive Translate CNN Parrots Invasion 24-10-09

Trancy Immersive Translate CNN Parrots Invasion 24-10-09

In today's CNN news update with Koi Wire, the key stories include several engaging topics. The news highlights the middle of the week, often referred to as "hump day," and encourages viewers to relax and stay positive through quirky phrases. The highlight is "Hashtag Word Wednesday," where a viewer-submitted word is selected to broaden everyone’s vocabulary. Additionally, an environmental piece focuses on the invasion of wild parrots into urban areas, a phenomenon that's being observed in major cities. The parrots are not native to these areas and their presence is causing both fascination and concern.

Trancy Immersive Translate CNN Parrots Invasion 24-10-09

Wild parrots are invading cities, captivating and concerning residents alike. Find out more about their impact in today’s update.

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Credit: @CNN10


  1. Fascination: Intense interest or attraction.
    Example: The invasion of parrots has sparked fascination among city residents.

  2. Phenomenon: A remarkable event or situation.
    Example: The phenomenon of wild parrots thriving in urban areas is unusual.

  3. Broaden: To expand or make wider.
    Example: The show aims to broaden the audience’s vocabulary through word submissions.

  4. Quirky: Unconventionally strange or odd.
    Example: The anchor used quirky phrases to make the broadcast more engaging.

Phrase Match:

Phrase Meaning Example
"Hump day" Midweek (Wednesday), signaling the week is halfway "We’ve made it to hump day, time to push through!"
"Broaden your vocabulary" To expand one’s knowledge of words "This word will help you broaden your vocabulary."
"Invasion of parrots" The sudden presence of wild parrots in a new area "The invasion of parrots is becoming a hot topic in cities."

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Story Title: Parrot Invasion in Argentina Due to Habitat Loss

G8 Reading Material

In the town of Eladio Osubi, Argentina, something unusual has been happening. Thousands of colorful parrots, which normally just pass through the town during migration, are now staying for much longer periods. This change is causing problems for the local people. The parrots are everywhere, creating noise and disturbance.

Why are they staying? The main reason is deforestation. Deforestation is when large areas of forest are cut down. These parrots used to live in these forests, but as their habitats are destroyed, they have fewer places to go. So, instead of continuing their migration, they settle in towns like Eladio Osubi, which provides them some shelter.

The number of parrots has increased so much that it reminds some people of Alfred Hitchcock's famous 1963 movie The Birds, where birds cause chaos in a small town. Residents in Eladio Osubi are now dealing with the "parrot problem," trying to find ways to live with these birds that have become part of their daily lives.


  1. Migration: The seasonal movement of animals from one place to another.
    Example: "Many birds migrate south for the winter."
  2. Deforestation: The process of clearing forests or trees.
    Example: "Deforestation can lead to the loss of animal habitats."
  3. Habitat: The natural environment where a plant or animal lives.
    Example: "The parrots lost their habitat due to deforestation."
  4. Shelter: A place that provides protection from danger or bad weather.
    Example: "The parrots found shelter in the town after their forest was destroyed."
  5. Chaos: Complete disorder or confusion.
    Example: "The town was in chaos with so many parrots flying around."

Grammar Focus

  1. Present Continuous Tense: Used to describe actions happening right now.
    Example: "The parrots are staying longer in the town."

  2. Past Simple Tense: Used to describe actions that happened in the past.
    Example: "The parrots moved into the town last year."

Synonym Match

Word Synonym
Migration Relocation
Deforestation Logging
Habitat Environment
Shelter Refuge
Chaos Confusion

Phrase Match

Phrase Meaning
Passed through the town Moved through the town without staying
Staying longer Remaining for a longer period of time
Find shelter Look for a safe place to live
Destroyed their habitats Ruined their natural homes
Causing problems Creating issues or challenges

Gap Fill (10 Blanks)

The town of Eladio Osubi is facing a big problem. Normally, parrots would __________(1) through the town during their __________(2), but this year, they have decided to __________(3) longer. The main reason is __________(4), which has __________(5) their natural habitats. Without forests to live in, the parrots are __________(6) shelter in the town, causing __________(7) for the people living there. This reminds some people of Alfred Hitchcock's famous movie, The __________(8), where birds cause __________(9) in a small town. Residents now have to find ways to deal with the __________(10) of parrots.


  1. pass
  2. migration
  3. stay
  4. deforestation
  5. destroyed
  6. seeking
  7. problems
  8. Birds
  9. chaos
  10. invasion

Listening Exercise (5 Questions)

  1. Where is the town that is facing the parrot invasion?
    A. Argentina
    B. Brazil
    C. Mexico
    D. Chile

  2. Why are the parrots staying longer in the town?
    A. They like the town.
    B. Their natural habitats have been destroyed.
    C. They can't find food elsewhere.
    D. They are afraid of other animals.

  3. What is deforestation?
    A. Cutting down forests.
    B. Building new cities.
    C. Growing more trees.
    D. Keeping animals in shelters.

  4. What famous movie is mentioned in comparison to the parrot invasion?
    A. The Birds
    B. Jurassic Park
    C. King Kong
    D. Avatar

  5. How are the residents feeling about the parrots?
    A. They are happy.
    B. They are confused.
    C. They are having problems.
    D. They are celebrating.


  1. A
  2. B
  3. A
  4. A
  5. C

Speaking Exercise (3 Activities)

  1. Discussion: In small groups, talk about how deforestation affects animals. Why is it important to protect forests?

  2. Role-play: One student is a town resident, and the other is a government official. Discuss how the town can solve the parrot problem.

  3. Short Presentation: Present your ideas on how people can help prevent deforestation and protect animal habitats.

Story Title: Parrot Invasion in Argentina Due to Habitat Loss

G11 Reading Material

In the town of Eladio Osubi, Argentina, an unexpected environmental issue has emerged—an invasion of parrots. These brightly colored birds, typically known for their seasonal migrations, would usually pass through the town on their way to different destinations. However, recent changes in their behavior have drawn significant attention. Instead of merely stopping for a short rest during migration, the parrots are now lingering in the town for much longer periods, causing considerable challenges for the local population.

The root cause of this prolonged stay lies in widespread deforestation. Deforestation, the large-scale clearing of forests, has destroyed much of the natural habitats these parrots once relied on. Normally, forests provide parrots with food, shelter, and safe breeding grounds. But as these areas have been cut down for agriculture and urban development, the parrots are left with fewer places to live, forcing them to seek shelter in human-populated areas like Eladio Osubi.

In recent years, the town has seen an increasing number of these birds occupying local spaces. What was once an occasional and beautiful sight of migratory birds has now turned into a near-constant presence. This shift has led some residents to compare the situation to Alfred Hitchcock's 1963 thriller The Birds, where birds wreak havoc on a small town. While the comparison might seem dramatic, the people of Eladio Osubi are facing a real issue. The parrots are loud, create messes, and disrupt daily life.

The situation raises broader concerns about how human activities, like deforestation, impact wildlife. As forests are cleared for human use, animals like these parrots are pushed out of their natural environments, often leading to conflicts with human populations. The parrot invasion in Eladio Osubi is just one example of how deforestation can have unintended consequences. If deforestation continues at its current pace, more animals may be displaced, leading to further ecological imbalances and human-wildlife conflicts.

The town now faces a dilemma: how to manage the growing parrot population while preserving the well-being of both the residents and the birds. Local authorities are exploring solutions, such as encouraging reforestation efforts and creating protected areas for wildlife, but it remains a challenge to find a balance that works for both humans and the environment.


  1. Migration: The movement of animals from one region to another, typically seasonally.
    Example: "The parrots' migration patterns have been disrupted due to habitat loss."
  2. Deforestation: The clearing of forests, often for agricultural or urban development.
    Example: "Deforestation has reduced the parrots' natural habitats, forcing them into urban areas."
  3. Habitat: The natural environment where a species lives and grows.
    Example: "The parrots lost their habitat because of deforestation."
  4. Ecological: Related to the relationships between living organisms and their environment.
    Example: "The parrot invasion highlights an ecological issue caused by deforestation."
  5. Conflict: A serious disagreement or clash.
    Example: "There is an ongoing conflict between humans and wildlife in the town."
  6. Consequence: The result or effect of an action.
    Example: "Deforestation has led to unintended consequences for the parrots."
  7. Preserve: To maintain something in its original or existing state.
    Example: "Efforts are being made to preserve the remaining forests."
  8. Reforestation: The process of planting trees in areas where forests have been cut down.
    Example: "Reforestation may help restore the parrots' natural habitats."

Grammar Focus

  1. Present Perfect Tense: Used to describe actions that started in the past and continue into the present.
    Example: "The parrots have been staying longer in the town because of deforestation."

  2. Passive Voice: Used to focus on the action or result rather than who performed it.
    Example: "The parrots' natural habitats have been destroyed by deforestation."

Synonym Match

Word Synonym
Migration Relocation
Conflict Dispute
Consequence Result
Ecological Environmental
Preserve Protect

Phrase Match

Phrase Meaning
Seasonal migration Moving at different times of the year
Natural habitats Areas where animals live naturally
Human-wildlife conflict Disagreements between humans and animals
Raise concerns To cause people to worry
Find a balance To create a situation where two things are fair

Gap Fill (10 Blanks)

The town of Eladio Osubi is dealing with a growing __________(1) of parrots. Normally, these birds __________(2) pass through the town during their seasonal __________(3), but due to __________(4), the parrots are staying longer. Deforestation has __________(5) their natural __________(6), leaving the birds with few places to go. The presence of so many birds is creating challenges for the local people, reminding them of Alfred Hitchcock's film The __________(7). The town is now considering how to __________(8) the situation, possibly by encouraging __________(9) or creating protected __________(10) for the parrots.


  1. population
  2. would
  3. migration
  4. deforestation
  5. destroyed
  6. habitats
  7. Birds
  8. manage
  9. reforestation
  10. areas

Listening Exercise (5-10 Questions)

  1. What is the main reason the parrots are staying longer in Eladio Osubi?
    A. They like the weather.
    B. Their natural habitats have been destroyed.
    C. They are looking for food.
    D. They are nesting there.

  2. What is deforestation?
    A. Building new homes.
    B. Clearing forests.
    C. Protecting wildlife.
    D. Restoring natural areas.

  3. How does deforestation affect the parrots?
    A. It provides them with more food.
    B. It forces them to stay in human-populated areas.
    C. It helps them migrate faster.
    D. It has no effect on them.

  4. What famous movie is mentioned in relation to the parrot invasion?
    A. Jurassic Park
    B. The Birds
    C. King Kong
    D. Avatar

  5. What solution is being considered to help manage the parrot invasion?
    A. Moving the parrots to a new location.
    B. Encouraging reforestation.
    C. Building nests for the parrots.
    D. Offering food to the parrots.


  1. B
  2. B
  3. B
  4. B
  5. B

Speaking Exercise (5 Activities)

  1. Discussion: In pairs, discuss the effects of deforestation on wildlife and how it can be prevented.

  2. Debate: One team argues in favor of cutting down forests for human use, while the other argues for preserving forests to protect wildlife.

  3. Role-play: One student is a government official, and the other is a resident of Eladio Osubi. Discuss possible solutions to the parrot problem.

  4. Presentation: Present on the topic of "The importance of preserving natural habitats for animals."

  5. Group Discussion: In groups, brainstorm ways in which local communities can balance human needs with wildlife conservation.

Story Title: Parrot Invasion in Argentina Due to Habitat Loss

University Reading Material

The town of Eladio Osubi, a relatively quiet settlement in Argentina, has recently experienced a significant environmental disturbance—a large-scale invasion of parrots. These birds, known for their vibrant colors and distinctive calls, usually migrate through this region during certain times of the year. However, their behavior has shifted in recent years, causing concern among residents and environmental experts alike.

Parrots, like many migratory birds, rely on specific environmental conditions to complete their migratory journeys. Historically, they would pass through towns like Eladio Osubi during their migration, using the forests as temporary shelters. Yet, as the global deforestation crisis intensifies, the natural habitats of these parrots are being systematically destroyed. Deforestation, the large-scale removal of forests, is often driven by agricultural expansion, logging, and urban development. As a result, the ecosystems that once supported these parrots are vanishing.

Without their traditional forest homes, the parrots are being forced into urban areas where they can find food and shelter. Eladio Osubi, in particular, has seen an exponential increase in the number of parrots staying for extended periods. The town's residents, who once viewed the birds as beautiful seasonal visitors, are now dealing with a disruptive and growing presence. The loud squawking, large flocks, and the mess they create have become a source of frustration.

This phenomenon has been compared to Alfred Hitchcock's 1963 film The Birds, where flocks of birds terrorize a small town. Although the situation in Eladio Osubi is less dramatic, the comparison highlights the real and growing tension between humans and wildlife as natural habitats are lost. The parrots’ behavior in Argentina is not an isolated case but part of a broader pattern of wildlife displacement due to environmental destruction.

The invasion of parrots raises critical questions about the long-term consequences of deforestation. When natural ecosystems are destroyed, wildlife often has no choice but to adapt to urban environments, which can lead to conflicts with humans. These interactions are not only disruptive but also pose challenges for local governments, which must balance the needs of their human population with the ethical treatment of displaced animals.

In response to the crisis, some environmentalists have called for reforestation efforts. Reforestation, the process of replanting trees in deforested areas, could help restore the habitats needed by these parrots and reduce the pressure on towns like Eladio Osubi. Additionally, creating wildlife reserves where these birds and other displaced species can live safely is another potential solution. However, such measures require significant time, resources, and political will to implement.

The parrot invasion in Eladio Osubi serves as a microcosm of a much larger global issue. As climate change and deforestation continue to reshape ecosystems, more and more species will face the same challenges. Without serious intervention, the conflicts between human populations and displaced wildlife are likely to become more frequent, raising ethical, ecological, and practical concerns for societies worldwide.


  1. Migration: The large-scale movement of species from one region to another, often in search of food or better climate.
    Example: "The parrots’ migration has been disrupted by habitat destruction."

  2. Deforestation: The large-scale removal of trees from forests, usually for agricultural or urban development.
    Example: "Deforestation has led to a loss of biodiversity in many parts of the world."

  3. Ecosystem: A biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment.
    Example: "The destruction of forests has disrupted the ecosystem that supports these parrots."

  4. Displacement: The forced movement of animals or people from their traditional homes due to external factors.
    Example: "The displacement of wildlife is becoming more common as natural habitats shrink."

  5. Reforestation: The process of planting trees in areas where forests have been destroyed.
    Example: "Reforestation efforts can help restore the habitats lost to deforestation."

  6. Ethical: Relating to moral principles or the rules of conduct governing the treatment of others.
    Example: "There are ethical concerns regarding how displaced animals should be treated in urban areas."

  7. Biodiversity: The variety of plant and animal life in a particular habitat.
    Example: "Deforestation reduces biodiversity by destroying the habitats of many species."

  8. Sustainable: Capable of being maintained over the long term without harming the environment.
    Example: "Sustainable forestry practices aim to balance human needs with environmental conservation."

  9. Habitat fragmentation: The process by which a large, continuous habitat is divided into smaller, isolated patches.
    Example: "Habitat fragmentation has a devastating impact on migratory species like parrots."

  10. Urbanization: The process of making an area more urban, typically involving the growth of cities and towns.
    Example: "Urbanization often leads to the loss of natural habitats as forests are cleared for development."

Grammar Focus

  1. Present Perfect Continuous: Used to describe actions that started in the past and are still continuing.
    Example: "The parrots have been invading the town for several years now."

  2. Conditional Sentences (Type 2): Used to describe hypothetical situations that are unlikely or impossible.
    Example: "If deforestation hadn’t occurred, the parrots wouldn’t have stayed in the town."

  3. Passive Voice: Used to focus on the action rather than the subject performing it.
    Example: "Many forests have been destroyed due to deforestation."

  4. Relative Clauses: Used to provide additional information about a noun.
    Example: "The parrots, which used to migrate through the area, are now staying longer."

  5. Gerunds and Infinitives: Used as subjects, objects, or complements in sentences.
    Example: "Replanting trees is crucial for restoring the parrots' habitats."

Synonym Match

Word Synonym
Migration Movement
Displacement Relocation
Reforestation Replanting
Biodiversity Variety
Ethical Moral

Phrase Match

Phrase Meaning
Seasonal migration Regular movement based on the time of year
Habitat destruction The process of ruining natural environments
Human-wildlife conflict Disagreements between people and animals
Raise ethical concerns Cause people to question what is morally right
Adapt to urban environments Change behavior to survive in cities

Gap Fill (10 Blanks)

The increasing __________(1) of parrots in Eladio Osubi is a direct result of __________(2). These birds, which normally rely on forest __________(3), have been forced to __________(4) in human-populated areas due to habitat loss. The town's residents are __________(5) with the noise, mess, and disruption caused by the parrots. This situation highlights the broader problem of __________(6), where deforestation and habitat __________(7) push wildlife into closer contact with people. One potential solution is __________(8), which would help restore lost habitats and reduce __________(9) between humans and wildlife. Without __________(10) intervention, the conflict is likely to continue.


  1. population
  2. deforestation
  3. habitats
  4. settle
  5. struggling
  6. displacement
  7. fragmentation
  8. reforestation
  9. conflict
  10. sustainable

Listening Exercise (10 Questions)

  1. What has caused the parrots to stay longer in Eladio Osubi?
    A. They like the town.
    B. Their natural habitats have been destroyed.
    C. They are looking for food.
    D. They are following other birds.

  2. What is the impact of deforestation on ecosystems?
    A. It creates new habitats for animals.
    B. It destroys natural environments.
    C. It improves biodiversity.
    D. It has no impact on the environment.

  3. How does habitat fragmentation affect migratory species?
    A. It helps them find new food sources.
    B. It disrupts their migration routes.
    C. It improves their breeding success.
    D. It has no effect on their migration.

  4. What is reforestation?
    A. Cutting down trees for wood.
    B. Planting trees in deforested areas.
    C. Building cities near forests.
    D. Removing wildlife from forests.

  5. Why is there an ethical concern regarding the treatment of displaced animals?
    A. People want to protect animals.
    B. Animals are causing problems in cities.
    C. The animals have no place to go.
    D. Humans are responsible for their displacement.


  1. B
  2. B
  3. B
  4. B
  5. D

Speaking Exercise (5 Activities)

  1. Debate: Argue whether human needs should come before the preservation of wildlife habitats. One side argues for prioritizing economic development, while the other argues for environmental conservation.

  2. Panel Discussion: Discuss the long-term impacts of deforestation on both local communities and global biodiversity. Each participant takes on a different role (environmentalist, government official, local resident).

  3. Role-play: One student is a local resident in Eladio Osubi, and the other is an environmental expert. Discuss possible solutions to the parrot problem and the role of reforestation.

  4. Presentation: Present the pros and cons of reforestation as a solution to deforestation-related wildlife displacement.

  5. Group Discussion: In groups, discuss how international policies can help reduce deforestation and preserve ecosystems globally.

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